Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Facebook Blocked Site Access 'Suicide'

Facebook Blocked Site Access SuicideSaturated due to frequent access to social networking sites seems to be the inspiration for the emergence of the sites 'suicide' virtually. There's another new site that offers suicide in the social networking site called Web 2.0 Suicide Machine.

Site that launched last December was originally only allows users to sign out forever from the service of social networking site Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace. However, recently, this site also allows for the virtual commit suicide on Facebook. For fear felt disadvantaged, blocking access to Facebook and Web 2.0 Suicide Machine to their sites.

Facebook spokesperson said, basically Facebook itself has the ability to disable the Facebook account for users who do not want to stop using their site, and really want to delete it. According to Facebook, committed suicide via a Web 2.0 Virtual Machine Suicide is very risky.

"Web 2.0 Suicide Machine collect detailed user information when going to a virtual suicide. The information provided by users is considered illegal because the user only knows, this information is used to disable his account of social networking. This information is used by vulnerable web 2.0 Suicide Machine to act cyber crime, "Facebook spokesman said as quoted by CNet, Tuesday (5/1/2010).

According to him, if the user later harmed by misuse of such information, or Facebook they can not sue the owner of Suicide for Web 2.0 users themselves disclose their confidential information voluntarily.

"That's why we block access to Web 2.0 Suicide Machine to Facebook and think for a next step," he added.

In addition to Web 2.0 Suicide Machine there are also sites that offer a similar service called Seppukoo. The difference, ritual suicide performed by users of this site will not turn off Facebook account forever. Users can activate the account again Facebooknya any time he wants.

If Web 2.0 Suicide Machine is intended to disable the account of social networking sites forever, so Seppukoo intended as a form of the game. If there are Facebook friends who are interested in following the suicide, the corresponding user will be rewarded a certain point.

Facebook News from Okezone..

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